Lo scorso Maggio ho iniziato una collaborazione con Cloudian, una startup che propone un’interessante soluzione di object storage. In questo periodo ho avuto la possibilità di scrivere una white paper per loro, che pubblico qui in inglese (in attesa che la versione Italiana sia pronta fra qualche giorno).
Cloudian, sarà anche presente al Juku unplugged e porterà casi d’uso reali della propria soluzione. Sarà un’ocasione per capire di più di object storage e delle potenziali applicazioni.
Intanto vi anticipo l’executive summary del documento:
Traditional storage infrastructures are not designed to cope with emerging business needs originated by a surge in unstructured data, and they risk undermining the agility and the competitiveness of modern enterprise organizations.
It’s not only about data growth. In fact, applications like Big Data analytics, mobile apps, active archiving, corporation “sync and share”, and cloud-like services, just to name a few, work on wider and expanding data sets but also in a different manner when compared to legacy applications. Longer retention, better availability, low access rate, multi tenancy, geographical distributed access patterns, new resource provisioning/deprovisioning processes, as well as a general cost reduction should all be considered as key aspects of modern storage infrastructures.At a higher level, cloud computing is emerging as the standard in realizing next generation infrastructures and, besides what is happening in the public cloud, object storage is the right companion for the private cloud too. Take Amazon AWS as an example, Simple Storage Service (S3) is one of its most successful products.
Modern object storage systems can be considered as an holistic platform capable of providing secure, available and reliable storage functions to a multitude of high end services. Services which range from infrastructure support (e.g. backup or archiving repositories) to backend for modern mobile services capable of improving end user experience and productivity (e.g. sync & share).
Cloudian Hyperstore® is enterprise ready public, private, and hybrid cloud storage that delivers a feature rich platform able to be deployed on commodity x86 hardware. Boasting limitless scalability, total S3 API compatibility, and auto-tiering capabilities, Cloudian Hyperstore provides the enterprise with total control while ensuring data can move seamlessly between private and public clouds.
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