Next week I’ll be attending Next Gen Storage Summit in LA, an event organized by TruthinIT and dedicated to Object and Flash storage.
This three day event is going to be particularly interesting because there will be plenty of opportunities to go in depth on two of the hottest topics of the storage industry.
The Agenda is full of presentations, panels and end user cases: a great occasion to learn, share experiences and chat about these new technologies.
I will also be hosting a session on 5th of March (end users’ day):
Enterprise object storage: why it is important for you!
Abstract: “Data growth is only the tip of the iceberg and its consequences are the real challenges: data protection and management, big data, dark data, mobility, security, retention policies and so on. At the same time your business needs are rapidly changing and building a private cloud looks the only way to go. Object storage has all the characteristics to become an important part of your future IT strategy.
The presentation goes through the basic concepts of object storage and uses practical examples to show the benefits of using this technology in modern IT environments”
If you are interested in following this presentation, it is scheduled at 9.10PT (18.10 CET, Italy) March 5th
In any case, the whole event will be broadcasted live (here the link) and twitter hashtag is #NGOSS.
Don’t miss it! 😉
Disclaimer: I was invited to this meeting by ThrutinIT and they paid for travel and accommodation, I have not been compensated for my time and am not obliged to blog. Furthermore, the content is not reviewed, approved or published by any other person than the Juku team.